Clearing Using Sage

Saging, or smudging your home, is a traditional practice in which you burn sage or another type of herb and then use the smoke to purify and cleanse the space

Here’s how you can sage your new home:

  1. Gather your materials. You’ll need white sage, a fire-safe bowl or shell, a lighter or matches, and a feather or fan to help spread the smoke around the house.
  2. Open windows and doors. This will help the smoke circulate throughout the house and release any negative energy.
  3. Light the sage. Hold the sage stick at an angle and light the tip. You may need to blow gently on the lit end to help it catch fire.
  4. Fan the smoke. Use the feather or fan to waft the smoke around the room, focusing on corners, doorways, and windows.
  5. Sage each room. Work your way through each room of the house, smudging every corner and doorway. You can say a prayer or intention as you go or focus on the intention of purifying and cleansing the space.
  6. Extinguish the sage. When you’re finished, extinguish the sage by pressing it into the fire-safe bowl or shell. It’s important to fully extinguish the sage to prevent any accidental fires.
  7. Dispose of the sage. After the sage has cooled, you can dispose of it in a compost bin or throw it away.

Saging is a simple yet powerful way to purify and cleanse your new home, and can help create a positive and welcoming energy in the space.