Kambamba Jasper/Crocodile Jasper

Kambamba Jasper/Crocodile Jasper

KAmbamba Jasper/Crocodile Jasper

Kambamba Jasper

There is no specific folklore or birthstone associated with Kambamba/crocodile jasper. However, it is believed to have the following crystal healing properties:

  • Helps to balance the chakras and align the aura
  • Promotes inner peace and tranquility
  • Enhances spiritual growth and understanding
  • Boosts creativity and helps to overcome artistic blocks
  • Increases endurance and stamina
  • Supports physical healing and helps to balance the body’s systems
  • Enhances the immune system and promotes overall well-being

Passionate love

Good fortune with fertility




Labradorite is believed to be a powerful protection stone, helping to shield the wearer from negative energies and influences


Labradorite is said to enhance intuition and psychic abilities, helping to bring forth one’s inner wisdom and spiritual insights.

In Native American folklore, labradorite is often associated with the spirit of the Northern Lights, believed to be a bridge between the physical world and the spirit world.


Labradorite is not traditionally a birthstone, but it is sometimes associated with the zodiac sign of Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21).

Crystal Healing Properties:

Labradorite is believed to have many healing properties, including:

  • Enhancing spiritual growth and development
  • Promoting self-discovery and self-confidence
  • Balancing the chakras and aligning the aura
  • Relieving stress and anxiety
  • Boosting mental clarity and concentration
  • Improving digestion and aiding in the treatment of digestive issues
  • Alleviating pain and inflammation.

Passionate love

Good fortune with fertility



The pearl is an organic gemstone and grows inside live oysters.

One of the oldest gemstones, astrologers link the pearl to the moon. This is the angel stone, and some say that the pearl was born when a drop of rain fell from heaven and became a part of the oyster, and others say that the pearl signifies the passage of angels through heaven’s clouds. Pearls are also called “teardrops of the moon.”

Over time, the pearl has become the symbol of purity and innocence, so it is often sewn into bridal gowns or worn as jewelry by the bride.

Pearl is a birthstone of many months: February, April, June, July, and November, and for the Zodiac signs of Gemini and Cancer.

Pearls are thought to have a variety of crystal-healing properties. Some of these include:

  1. Soothing and calming: Pearls are often associated with tranquility and peacefulness and are believed to help calm the mind and emotions.

  2. Enhancing inner wisdom: Pearls are said to help tap into one’s inner wisdom and intuition, encouraging self-discovery and personal growth.

  3. Promoting emotional balance: Pearls are thought to help balance emotions and bring a sense of calm and stability to the wearer.

  4. Enhancing creativity: Some people believe that pearls can help stimulate creativity and inspire new ideas.

  5. Enhancing femininity: Pearls are often associated with femininity and grace and are believed to help women tap into their innate beauty and grace.

  6. Helping with digestion: Pearls are sometimes used to help with digestion and other digestive issues.

  7. Helping with fertility: Some people believe that pearls can help improve fertility and enhance the chances of conception.

  8. Enhancing the skin: Pearls are believed to have anti-aging properties and may help improve the appearance of the skin.

The angel stone

Teardrops of the moon




Moonstone is known for its calming and balancing properties

Moonstone is known for its calming and balancing properties. It is often used to help with emotional stability and to promote feelings of calm and peace. It can also help to balance the hormones and can be useful for women experiencing PMS or menopause.

Moonstone is also said to be a powerful aid in the manifestation of one’s desires, helping to bring about the manifestation of one’s goals and dreams. It is also believed to enhance intuition and psychic abilities, making it a helpful stone for those interested in spiritual development.

In terms of physical healing, moonstone is believed to be helpful in relieving stress and tension and aiding in the treatment of insomnia. It is also said to be helpful in the treatment of digestive issues and female reproductive disorders.

Overall, the moonstone is a powerful and versatile stone that can be used to bring about emotional balance, spiritual growth, and physical healing.

Passionate love

Good fortune with fertility