Quartz Crystal

Quartz Crystal

Quartz Crystal

Quartz is a clear common crystal that is usually clear white

The crystal dates back to ancient times and is said to be used in healing as a crystal point amplifier for the energies of other stones. It, like rose quartz, may be used to grow romantic love and also has cooling powers, as it was originally believed to be a form of ice crystals that would never melt. Crystals are often used in meditation and occur and are cut into a variety of shapes and sizes, which help focus the power within them. Often, you can find them in a point or a ball.

While the crystal may not work on the same wavelength as negative people, it is said to be attuned to those humans who are seeking to really understand themselves.

Folklore: Quartz crystal has been revered in many cultures and has a rich history in folklore. In ancient Rome, quartz crystal was believed to be the tears of the gods and was often worn as a talisman to bring good fortune. In Native American cultures, quartz crystal was believed to be a powerful healing stone that could be used to communicate with the spirit world.

Birthstone: Quartz crystal is the birthstone for those born in February. It is believed to bring clarity, focus, and harmony to those who wear it. 

Crystal Healing Properties: Quartz crystal is known for its powerful energy-cleansing and amplifying properties. It is believed to help with concentration and memory and calm and balance the mind and body. Quartz crystal is also thought to be a powerful healer, able to help with physical and emotional issues. It is often used in crystal grids and energy work to amplify and direct energy toward a specific intention or goal.

Amplifies other energies

The human stone




Aventurine is a lucky stone in the quartz family

Aventurine is a type of quartz that is green in color and is known for its calming and balancing properties. It is believed to bring luck and abundance and is often used to attract prosperity and success. It is also thought to help relieve anxiety and stress and may be used to promote emotional healing. Some people believe that aventurine can help to stimulate creativity and improve decision-making abilities. It is also believed to have a grounding effect, helping to connect the wearer with the earth and their sense of stability. In crystal healing, aventurine may be used to balance the heart chakra and promote feelings of love and compassion.

Mood stabilizer

Lady Luck stone




Jade is an ancient gemstone and is green in color.

Jade is a gemstone that is believed by some to have healing properties. In crystal healing, it is believed to be a powerful stone that can help balance and stabilize the heart chakra and promote feelings of love, peace, and harmony. It is also thought to be a protective stone that can help to deflect negative energy and bring good fortune. Some people believe that jade can help improve physical and mental well-being and may benefit the kidneys, heart, and immune system.

Jade is used to attract love and money into your life. You should positively visualize using money creatively and productively; it brings prosperity to business. It also helps strengthen your mind and helps with clear reasoning. Jade is a protective stone and guards against accidents and misfortune. It symbolizes successful love when carved into a butterfly and is associated with the heart chakra. Jade is a great healing stone and works through the nonphysical reasons for disease. It tends to help with self-healing kidneys, heart, and stomach.

Jade is associated with Pisces and Libra Zodiac signs and is May’s birthstone.

Protective and self-healing

Positive attitude towards money




Tourmaline is a gemstone that occurs in pink, white, red, green, blue, black, or watermelon

Watermelon tourmaline is a natural crystal in green, pink and white, which is a rare occurrence in nature. It attracts love, balances the yin and yang, mars and venus, and removes guilt caused by conflict and confusion. It is used for its strong healing energies. It encourages a calm, centered mind.

Green tourmaline feeds your life source with joy and is associated with the Sagittarius Zodiac sign and Venus. It assists in detoxification and strengthens the heart. Green tourmaline encourages patience, openness, and sincere interest in fellow human beings. It stimulates creativity and is used to attract money and success in business.

Pink tourmaline/rubellite soothes, harmonizes, and allows you to surrender to love. It can vary from light pink to deep red. Pink tourmaline relaxes and nurtures and is associated with feminine energies and the heart chakra. It has the potential to heal emotional wounds and bring feelings of comfort and safety.

Black tourmaline can be rubbed for luck and happiness. When tourmaline is rubbed, it becomes charged with magnetic electricity, and your luck intensifies. Black tourmaline is associated with the October birth month and Sagittarius, Pisces, and Libra. It is said to push all negative energy away.

Tourmalated quartz is white quartz with needles of black tourmaline. The tourmaline cleanses and grounds while the quartz amplifies the tourmaline’s powers. It assists in clear thinking and protects and clears unhealthy energy patterns.


  • Tourmaline is believed to have originated from the Sanskrit word “turamali,” which means “stone of mixed colors.”
  • In ancient times, tourmaline was believed to be a powerful talisman that could protect its wearer from negative energy and bring good luck.
  • It was also thought to have the ability to attract love and friendship.


  • Tourmaline is the birthstone for the month of October.

Crystal Healing Properties:

  • Tourmaline is believed to have a balancing and grounding effect on the wearer.
  • It is believed to have the ability to cleanse and purify the aura and promote feelings of calm and serenity.
  • It is also thought to have the ability to increase self-confidence and self-worth.
  • Some people believe that tourmaline can also help to alleviate anxiety and stress and promote a sense of well-being.

Peace of mind

Brings together love and friends




Jasper is a grounding and stabilizing stone that helps to bring stability and balance to one’s physical, emotional, and mental bodies

It is believed to have a soothing and calming energy that helps to reduce stress and anxiety and can also help to improve concentration and focus. Jasper is also thought to have protective properties, helping to shield the wearer from negative energies and promoting feelings of safety and security. It is believed to be especially helpful for those struggling with feelings of insecurity or self-doubt, as it can help boost confidence and self-esteem. In terms of crystal healing, jasper is often used to promote overall physical and emotional well-being. It is thought to be particularly helpful for those suffering from chronic fatigue, insomnia, or other stress-related conditions. It may also be beneficial for those with digestive or respiratory issues.

Jasper is said to bring relaxation and cooperation to the home and workplace, so keep it in all rooms. It lifts any negative energy within the home, and with that comes the appreciation of life’s blessings. This is a stone of stability and grounding.

Picture Jasper consists of unique patterns and a wide range of colors. This is the earth jasper and brings hidden feelings to the surface so one can be released from unpleasant emotions and learn from them. This gemstone brings harmony and offers a new perspective.

Ocean/Orbicular Jasper is found only at a remote location on the coast of Madagascar. The colors range are a wide range of white, green, pink, red, black, and blue. Ocean jasper can possess wild polka dots, wavy lines, and multi-colored floret patterns. This is a stone of joy and is connected through the solar plexus and heart and throat chakras. It can increase the expression of love in words and actions and bring your life’s positive parts into focus.

Red Jasper is a stone of stamina and strength. It is used to stabilize the root chakra. It helps balance emotions, increase your connection with the earth, enhances memory, and stimulates creative and sexual activities.

Picasso Jasper is a stone that is one of the oldest gemstones used to secure protection and grounding. It can be worn or placed in your home or office for stability during times of change or transformation.

Leopard jasper is associated with the shaman and spiritual discovery. It helps you to connect with your spiritual animal totem and traverse between the worlds to learn the lessons of your personal totem.

Securing stability

Eases emotional stress